International competition and cooperation of china's Bohai Sea Rim Area up to 2000 我国环渤海地区迈向21世纪面临的国际竞争与国际合作
At present, swindling activities on the South China Sea happen frequently, seriously hindering the normal development of international trade in this sea area. 当前,在南中国海域,海上诈骗活动比较频繁,严重破坏这一海域国际贸易正常开展,并给贸易公司、银行和保险公司带来巨大威协和损失。
Construction of Macao International Airport Artificial Island on soft Foundation of Open Sea Area 在海域开敞的软基地区建设澳门国际机场人工岛
It in aspect of economy, politics, military leaving the pondering to the later generation is the very numerous benefit to understanding the complex international situations in the area of the Mediterranean Sea nowadays, especially which in the area of the Mediterranean Sea east bank. 它在经济、政治、军事等方面留给后世的思考,对理解现今地中海地区尤其是地中海东岸地区纷繁复杂的国际形势有很大的裨益。
The author believes the changes in international environment made the trade in southeast sea area in risks, but the real crisis had not been formed up to the 16th century. 作者认为,国际环境的变化使东南海区的贸易出现了重重风险,但至16世纪,还未形成现实的危机。
Our country is the contracting party of SOLAS, and for performing the international duty and pledging navigation safety the China and foreign shipping of china's sea area navigation, China's maritime affairs build of AIS is very necessary and urgent. 我国是SOLAS公约的缔约国,为履行国际义务和保证在我国海域航行的中外船舶的航行安全,中国海事AIS工程建设是十分必要和紧迫的。